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    A barometer indicates a high or low air pressure and thus predicts the weather.

    Rising air pressure indicates better weather (approach to high pressure area) and falling to worse weather (approach to low pressure area or depression).

    How the barometer works

    A high air pressure in the summer indicates sunny and warm weather, a high air pressure in the winter indicates sunny and cold weather. An air pressure between the 1000 en 1020 millibar is normal for our changeable weather in the Netherlands. The air pressure inside and outside is of course the same, so you can simply mount your barometer inside. With a barometer you can see at a glance what the weather is coming up. You already have a barometer from € 57,60 

    Altitude, Wempe, Schatz or Barigo barometer

    Andries de Jong has barometers from three prominent manufacturers in the range: AltitudeBarigo, Wempez en treasure. Every brand combines top quality with beautiful designs. You can choose from various diameters ranging between 8 cm and 23 cm.

    Currently applies to all Barigo's barometers 10% discount. So be quick!

    Are you interested in a good barometer? For orders over 100 euros there are no shipping costs associated with the order.